Universities specializing in engineering fields offer master of science, master of engineering, and doctor of philosophy degrees in civil engineering as well as other branches of engineering technology.
A well-rounded civil engineering program prepares students for careers in civil engineering or for advanced study in the field.Schools of engineering can vary, but as a rule their requirements are similar. Universities of engineering typically offer the CEE (civil and environmental engineering) degree, and a B.S. in environmental engineering (BS EnvE). The curriculum gives students the fundamentals to address emerging issues regarding air and land resources, human health, water, and environmental restoration.
During the first 2 years, studies include English composition, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and introductory engineering. Advanced engineering courses in the third year including solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and laboratories in engineering materials, hydraulic engineering, and environmental monitoring and process engineering.
Student electives are the central focus of fourth-year studies. All prerequisites must be met before receiving a B.S. Acceptable letter grades in math, physics, chemistry, and COE are required for the B.S. degree.
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